Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Hunger

So on my first brigade trip, Jake brought along a little treat for the hike, which I'm now addicted to...

Thanks Jake, there goes that whole "Lets lay off the sugar because I don't ever want diabetes" kick I was on!  Seriously though, these things are delicious, and I've since discovered the strawberry apple flavor as well.  Looks like I know what you'll find in my candy drawer from now on.
Editor's note: Paul was never on a "Lets lay off the sugar because I don't ever want diabetes" campaign,  It was more like a "Lets save the world from diabetes by consuming all the sugar" project.  Hey, sometimes you've gotta take one for the team...


  1. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the editor's note, and also my mouth is watering and I want to try some of those. thanks for the idea

  2. Thanks Amy, I've got some at my house right now, they really are in my candy drawer. Come get them!
